Monday, December 15, 2014

An addiction to Nudity

An Addiction to Nudity

I continue to campaign for the title of "The Most Naked Person in the Midwest".  Today I really had to stop and think about how I even got to this point. I've been going naked for soooo long that it's tough to remember those early days of stripping.  Everyone was born naked.  Most everyone has had sex.  Most everyone has stripped naked in front of another person.  How does one person go from being naked only in the shower or getting dressed to having what I call, "An addiction to Nudity"?

I'll reach back to my earliest exploration of being nude for the sake of being nude. I would probably have to go back to age 14 or around Freshman year in high school. Growing up with many older siblings I did not have much time for privacy.  My moment of privacy came while using the bathroom or while taking a shower.  I was beyond excited when I found myself alone at home.  During this early time in my life it was also time for puberty to hit.  I was a normal male in that my hormones were switching on.  My moments in the shower were becoming longer and longer due to seeing that my penis was getting longer and longer on a more frequent basis.  

If my penis was going to maintain a state or arousal then what came next was just natural: Masturbation.  What does masturbation have with being naked you ask?  Well, as I said before privacy was at a minimum so masturbation was limited to shower time.  Now that I found myself being home alone more and more I found that I had more time to masturbate.  The odd thing for me is that I enjoyed it more when fully nude.  When alone I could strip and masturbate anywhere in the house my mind could imagine.  

In addition to masturbating in the nude when home alone there was also time when the girl next door would come over.  Hey, why touch  my own dick when there was a chance to "play Doctor".  Throughout these years of self exploration as well as the exploration of the female gender I got my early feelings of being nude.  It was exciting.  It felt freeing.  It felt daring at a time when I was a good lil Catholic boy.  When many say that they just get naked or want to be nude for the sake of being free or the comfort of it all I say out of the side of my lips, "Bullshit, it still has to do (at times) with a pursuit of the human goal of arousal and orgasms".

Now my early start years in nudity may have come from the goal of releasing puberty's liquids but the seeds of addiction came \in the years to come.  I couldn't obviously masturbate 24/7 or every time that I was nude so I found myself going about my daily routine but without clothes on.  As most nudists that weren't born into it, sleeping nude is the initial test of how well you can do being nude for a longer period of time.Yes it was still late teens when the nude sleep was occurring so the middle of the night and morning wood was a draw to sleeping naked.  I have always enjoyed the late night and early morning erections.  It's what makes me never want to sleep in pjs again.

Nudity in my late teens and early 20's was also a time when exhibitionism on a small scale began.  The rush and excitement of maybe being caught nude was a factor in continuing my nude exploration.  This rush would play a big role as my life went on.  I didn't know there was a label to this part of the addiction until many years later.

It wasn't until my late twenties when my life started to slow down a bit that I finally came out of the closet so to speak about my addiction.  I say that coming out as a person that goes nude is as big or more than coming out as gay.  You don;t know if people will react negatively or say that you have a sex addiction or whatever they may feel.  When I began dating my wife she saw that I was nude most the time we were not out dating and going to movies.  I never really thought about it until I called her place of work and her coworker would always ask if I was naked.  I came to find out that my then girlfriend was telling her friends and coworkers of my addiction.  I got positive feedback and loved the Q and A I would get about my lifestyle.  It was part of that exhibition rush also that I got from now being out of the closet and having  people talk to me about it.

Photos by John Mefford

The more I was naked the more people found out I loved to be naked.  It became a snowball effect.  The more people found out the more they wanted to hear about it or discuss the ins and outs of it.  I had never really gotten much attention as a kid or even a teenager so all of this attention brought on by nudity was bringing me out of my shyness. A drawback or at at times plus was that I would be asked why I wasn't naked at the time .  At parties or float trips or any event that I could I would strip or be nearly naked. Friends came to get used to this as part of who I was.  At times I would be introduced as Naked Dave or "This is Dave.  He likes to be naked all the time". A coworker that flirted with me on occasion said that she was going on the float trip finally and she said she knew most on the float trips had already seen me naked.  She had stated that one reason that she was going is because she had wanted to see me naked.  As any good exhibitionist would do , I made sure I was naked in front of her to check that box for her.

Since my friends knew me as a person that got naked a lot they came to expect or also believed that I was a sex addict as well.  I'll admit I'm a major flirt but not every time I'm naked do I think of fucking someone or coming in any way. Some friends saw that any part of my body that was naked was fair game to touch or tease. Two cases  come to mind.   Another friend of mien that has seen me naked on multiple occasions always asks to slap my penis around.  She's playful about it so that has become her thing.  Although there are times when asking does not take place. On evening I was the only one naked on a dance floor and all of a sudden a female that I did not know reached over and gripped my penis extremely hard.  Within mili seconds  she was sexually abusing it so to speak.  I had to move quickly to not cause more of a scene.  She understood that she had crossed a line.  There is a time and place for everything.

Moving forward from working with the St. Louis World Naked Bike Ride I gained knowledge of what others were doing in the St. Louis area as far as nude socialization.  I first heard of Sex Positive and saw that they were gaining steam in the area.  However, the sex portion of their name kinda had me leary.  I couldn't tell exactly where they were other than a sex group.  To this day they still carry a sex under tone.  They also seemed choosy as to who was invited or worthy.  I have come to not like the leadership of the group.  I'm glad I steered clear of that organization.

If Sex Positive wasn't going to be for me then where can I get my outlet for being nude and more frequent? I found a nude sketching group where I could get back into my drawing as well as strip in public.  I could model and be seen or just sit there naked with a sketch pad.  I had the best of both worlds.I loved being around other nude people that shared my interests or art and to be nude.  

Photo by Patrick Brehm

Spawning quickly came the creation of STLBared that opened the flood gates to nude socialization.  I met all kinds of nude people that brought their own back story and nude sub groups.  It was so freeing to hang out figuratively and literally with all types.  While with this group I don;t even think about clothes.  I truly appreciate the fact that many of my nude friends have never seen or rarely see me with clothes on.  Currently at this stage in my life even many of my clothed friends hardly know me as being dressed.  I feel I truly have rounded out my nude addiction.

Don't let me forget my naked Yogi friends that I will not name outwardly for their own privacy.  These bunch of naked friends have really shown me the relaxed nude state and have brought being nude back into a fun experience.  We may have nude yoga to nude buffets.  Every time I go I end up kicking myself for not going more often.  Nude yoga seems to be my new addiction.  It's quite a nice addiction to have.

Throughout my years on this Earth I have had friends come and go but it seems that my nude friends continue to increase and rarely do they fade away.  I think I'll keep this addiction going on and not seek treatment for it.  I can proudly say that I love being nude alone or with a group of friends.  I wouldn't have it any other way.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Let's simply take a look at Boobs

Boobs or Tits?

There is so much to talk about when it comes to boobs.  First and foremost is the name itself.  I'm not going to get all hung up on the title of the body part.  The common terms are either Boobs, Tits or Breasts.  For this blog I think I'll go with boobs to keep it consistent.  I'm using the term boobs for no other reason than, I can.  You may have your own name or preference and I will go along with that when I read your blog about boobs.  Fair enough? Now on with the show!

Many times my blogs are written because I want to get something off my chest.  Ha, Get it? See what I did there?  Sorry.  This blog got an inspiration from a recent chat with a friend of mine.  The chat centered around what body parts look good in clothes and which ones are stand alone in their nude value. My friend said that her boobs look fantastic in a nice lacy bra or at times needing to be pushed up.  This blog will attempt to discuss parts of the boob, the feel of the boob and what makes a fantastic boob that some may look for when shopping in aisle three for their ideal boob.  I'm going to put on display some areas that can be used but once again this is subjective and not an end all scoring system for boobs.  

For starters, I'd like to introduce my friend and reason for this blog.  Readers, please welcome "Jill" to the blog.

Jill wanted to show you her beautiful boobs for the blog to help get a start to this conversation.  By looking at her boobs words or nipples are about to poke right out of your screen. While chatting, we discussed what parts of a boob make it to be a "10" on a scale of 1 to 10.  Obviously boobs are rated by the eyes , mouth or hands of the beholder. What Jill and I wish to do is to create a measurable look into certain areas of the boob.  I shall start in no certain order.

*** Disclaimer: A person's body is perfect in many ways.  We all have body image issues , large or small.  Unfortunately not everyone is comfy in their own skin.  This blog wishes to recognize that somewhere in us we all have our likes and dislikes for a person, whether it is a personality trait or body style.  When we find the right combo then we may even start a relationship.  This blog is meant for pure pleasure only and is not intended to set a perfect standard. ***

Cup Size

Does her cup runneth over?  Here's one of the BIG debates in the universe.  Do you like big boobs or the tiny boobs?  What size makes your hands or mouth feel just right?  In this today's American society many think that bigger is better.  It has been shown that the boob of today has grown to a higher average.  If you like small boobs than that may be a thing of the past.  I won''t get into the reasons why boobs are growing all over the nation but it seems cleavage is not going away, nor should it.  

I'll imagine a person's preference of boob size may be depending on what their overall pleasure of them is.  Do they like to motor boat them?  Are they just a nipple sucker?  Do they just like to fondle the boob or are they purely visual?  You truly have to ask yourself why you care if a female has a small bust or large bust.  If you are like me you are just happy there are boobs visable and God has graced upon me sight and light in order to view the boob.  

Fake Vs. Real

Since we got "Size" out of the way we might as well move right into why size seems to need to be changed or modified.  To begin with I do recognize the reasons for reductions or those that have gone through surgery or an illness.  Not every procedure to the boob is done for purely cosmetic reasons.  The fake boob may have come out of the itty bitty titty committee.  They may have seen that their tiny boobs just weren't cutting it for themselves or their partners.  Bigger isn't always better unless you want to fill out a shirt or a dress.  The showing of cleavage can be just at good at times as showing the whole boob.

The thing about fake boobs is that all but the look is fake.  A fake boob has a firmness that even the firmest of real boobs don't have.  The nipple is still up in the air for me with fake vs real.  How does a fake nipple work out?  Can it still go soft and then get erect? Maybe I'm showing my bias.  Maybe I want that soft feeling and feeling or pushing into a real boob.  There are so many shapes and sizes or boobs so I say enjoy the shape you have and let them be a part of you.  Your boobs are your signature up front.


To me, the nipple is the smile on the face of the boob.  It's the icing on the cake.  A boob may have a great shape or hang but if the nipple is a bit off or just not right then the bare boob may be a little underwhelmed.  Although if a boob is smaller or what may seem as less perky but the nipple has a great color or erection to it then that may be the best boob in the world. I'm sorry I guess you have found my weakness, the nipple.  

Within the nipple realm is the perky nipple, the puffy nipple, the inverted nipple and the gumdrop nipple.  

This is a gum drop and you have hopefully seen the gum drop nipple.  They are fuller and pop out of the boob.  These type of nipples are the holy grail of nipples due to their ability to shine right through any clothing top.  These type may need  some sort of tape just to keep them down.  No bra or padding may control the strongest of gum drops.

Our friend "Jill" wanted to weigh in again on the fact of gum drop nipples.  

I could show you examples of nipples to the end of the day but I'm sure we have seen them before.  The nipple is truly the personality of the boob.  

Pencil Test

If you have not heard of the pencil test it is a test to gauge the amount of hang time a boob has.  When you place a pencil under the boob will the boob be able to hang onto the pencil?  If the boob can hold on how far under the boob can the pencil go? The less of an ability to hold the pencil shows the firmness of a boob.  If a boob has begun to slope down thru time and/or gravity then less probability to hold a pencil.  Once again, everyone has their taste and shape of a boob.  There is much to be said about the hang of a boob.  A firm boob has it's fans but a boob that can hang down when a female leans overs creates such a pleasurable viewage.

Over time most every boob will be able to hold a pencil if real.  The boob may hold up better than some but then some boobs are just meant to have a tear drop shape.  If you wish to include the pencil test then firmness is a quality that you are looking for.

Other factors

Even after all that we have set scores or levels to there is still the unknown or 'X' factor.  This variable is set by the person that may be evaluating the particular set of amazing boobs at the time.  Some of the specifics that a person may use to say, "hey, wow, I love those boobs", may be if they have tan lines or that the nipple is more pink or reddish or brown.  Each person's taste is going to be different.  

What does the perfect boob look like or feel like? The world may never know but I'm sure we'll never stop looking, tasting, feeling and judging. I for one am a supporter of the free the nipple campaign.  Once we as a society see the boob and/or the nipple exposed on a regular basis then it will become the norm.  In a way the boob can be sexual in that it is a part of the body that is readily available in a sexual encounter but the boob is also a part of the body that once viewed as, "we all have them". While I have seen many while in a clothing optional event they no longer are at times noticed unless special attention has been brought to them.

I say enjoy the boob for what it is.  They're beautiful and unique to their owners.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Corner Office Contest Blog

Welcome to the contest portion of this blog.  Will you be able to arouse me like I hope I do to you in my newest Erotica piece, "Corner Office"?

There is a comment section just below where you can write your entry.  Good luck my little hotties!

Don't forget to continue scrolling down after entering to read more of past blogs.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

I want my title to be the Most Naked person in America!

The Title of this blog is...


I've never had one of those name plates on the edge of my desk., I've never had my name or title on the door to my office.  I've never felt like or wanted to be labeled in any way during my life.  No matter what you do in life people will want to put you in a nice corner so as to better understand who you are.  Some people love to be addressed by their title or only recognize themselves by what they do or they letters after their name.  Even in the nude world I have seen that people will want to identify themselves by their tastes or kinks or sexual preferences.

Since attending clothing optional events I have come to find sub groups.  These sub groups can easily be identified and some lay just underneath the surface.  In life we have commonalities with everyone and the subgroups determine our friends and at times our enemies.  At a clothing optional event the obvious commonality is that we are mostly all nude.  The subgroups bring the flavor to the individual.

I'll begin with the term of being a nudist vs. a naturist.  When people learn that I don't wear clothes that often they immediately then ask, "Oh, are you a nudist?"  For much of my life I would agree with them so that their mind could rest at ease and they knew how to deal with that information.  I honestly don't like being called a nudist because for me it brings up thoughts of the AANR (American Association of Nude Recreation).  AANR is more of a very conservative, rules and regulations, contracts and a membership card.  How can I relax in the nude if I have all these governing guidelines to follow?  

Naturists on the other hand have a lot in common with a nudists.  Yes, both of them enjoy being nude.  Naturists as well enjoy being nude in a social setting.  Naturists are the down to Earth and communing with nature.  Naturists also stand for nudity with an asexual slant.  There are no sexual tendencies with being naked.  We all live in harmony under one naked roof.

Let's continue on with nudity but as what perspective that we have in our own mind.  Again, when people may hear that you enjoy being nude they sometimes go straight for the statement of, "Oh, you must be an exhibitionist."  Just because I like to be naked doesn't mean I'm hoping everyone is staring at my junk. When I'm naked at home alone am I being an exhibitionist for the cat?  That sick little monkey watches me way too long when I get out of the shower. Why won't he just leave the room when I'm having sex?  Damn cat must be a voyeur.

"Well if you don't enjoy being seen naked then you must be going to these parties to look at other people naked."  If you aren't as blind as Stevie Wonder than you just might catch a glimpse of an uncovered breast or ass.  AANR and most nude groups frown upon the practice of staring at an individual when naked.  You must respect their right to be nude as much as we are respecting your right to be among the nude.  Actually, this rule is not just for when you are nude in a social setting but for everyday life. This skill comes under socialization skills.  While attending these events it does come out in private conversations that people do look, People are curious.  People are not asexual no matter what group you are with.  

Then there are the relationship status' that a times are blurred and people use to try to explain who that other person is standing naked with them in the kitchen.  Those that called themselves Poly or are polyamorous are those that are dating more than one individual or at least have some part of an intimate relationship.  Poly peeps are those that may just want to sample many cookies at the same time or just don't have the want to be with just one person because of what another person may bring to them.

Swingers are a whole other ball of wax.  They can be Poly but most the time Swingers are into the relationship for the sexual factor whereas Poly want that connection.  It's just my opinion but many swinger couples blow up due to the fact that one of the members goes Poly and is in a deep love or relationship for a former fuck buddy.  

I'll briefly touch upon the sup group of BDSM.  All of the former sub groups can be seen at a nude event and you will never know.  When a BDSM person is in the room you also will not be able to tell since they are not walking around with nipple clamps or in chaps.  These couples save their subgroup to the bedroom or dungeon .  There are many times BDSM do not like to be fully nude or even in public.  Much of what they do are primarily for their joy alone.  

I could go on into other subgroups that consist of LGBT but that is mostly a sexual preference.  What I have discussed is what a person may bring to their nude life.  It's not an end all explination of the people there but it may show you that you too can be comfortable with who you are and what you bring to a nude gathering.

I love to be naked but I don't want to be called a nudist.  I enjoy being in nature but I'm not a naturist.  I honestly love to be seen nude because it's a big confidence builder but I'm not strictly an exhibitionist.  I don't stare an a great firm ass but yes I'll look and admire but not to the point where I want that person to be uncomfortable.  I'm not a complete voyeur but a person that enjoys the human form.  I'll admit that I have nude female friends that I feel close to but I'm not poly.  I count them as close friends that I at times see nude.  I have a relationship with another couple but we are not swingers.  Just because I love to be spanked and to spank other people doesn't mean I'm part of the BDSM.

There is no reason why we have to fit into a nice little box for others sake or even for your own sake.  I think it's better to blend in with all and therefore enjoy the company of a variety.

The only title I want is to be the Most Naked person in America!

Friday, October 31, 2014

Kinky Vs. Fantasy Vs. Preference

What's your Kink?

If I have to be nude to write my blogs or erotica pieces would you consider that kinky, a fantasy or a a preference?  I believe there is no wrong answer to that question.  At one point or another all three could be or could have been true.  In the past I may not even believed I'd be doing this and doing it regularly and having you all read my naked journal of thoughts.  So in the past this exploration into all things naked was just a fantasy.  It's now a reality.  To those that are a tad bit more vanilla in nature you may consider all that I type or the fact that all that I type when nude is just darn down right kinky.  The bottom line is that it's just a preference.

Let's first begin to break this down in parts to get a better understanding of the three. I'll start with the fantasy element.  When you fantasize it is usually between you and yourself.  The fantasy is an idea, a wish.  It starts in the mind and stays in the mind.  It is a time when I say that you mind fuck yourself.  In a fantasy you can be whomever you want and do whatever you want.  It can be as mild as mowing the lawn naked, mowing the lawn naked with a fully stiff erection or as strong as fucking every girl in your work place.

The fantasy is only held back by as much as you allow it to be held back.  Many fantasies live and die with yourself.  It's only with an open partner or your own willingness  for you to vocalize them or even act upon them.  If you can act upon them then it becomes a success in your sex life bucket list or kink bucket list.  The thing about fantasies is that the event usually only happens once or just once in the original form of the fantasy.  After the initial fantasy has been played out it's a done turkey but if the same type of event plays out over and over then it shall now develop into a kink.  

Being kinky is a little bit of fantasy mixed in with some preference.  A kink has to start out in the mind.  They always say an action was once just a thought in the brain.  It may be a micro thought or a continual, over the years thought.  It could even be a subconscious thought.  When you begin experiencing your kinky behaviors it's because you have allowed yourself the freedom to release your thoughts and see how they play out in real life.  

Congratulations for having the balls or the guts to let your freak flag fly and try what has been in your mind.  Kinks come in a variety of sizes, shapes and ideas.  Kinks are another thing that trips your trigger as I have written about in the past.  Kinks are the lil flavors that we build up for some reason or another and hope to experience over and over. Now "I have a friend" that absolutely loves to be spanked with household items.  To many people it may seem disgusting or unsanitary but to the individual , it is what gets them off or excites them.

The one thing about kinks is that it also can be within your own world or shared.  The kinky behavior is what you make of it.  Just like with fantasies it's about the subject material and they execution of the fantasy or the kink.  If a "friend" fantasizes about wearing her friends clothing and masturbates in them then that is her thought to get her off.  Now if she continually wants to find her friends clothes and use them as a way to get off on a regular basis that that female has a kink.  If she does this act alone and it stays there then that part of the kink is complete.  Now if she has to let the person know that she is wearing the clothing or informs of the act then it's an added twist to the kink which deepens the kinky behavior.  It has now been shared and with that, it grows.

We like what we like.  We want what we want.  We can't deny ourselves the taste that we acquire.  Fantasies are our unlimited wish list.  Our kinks are the played out version that some may not appreciate.  It's our own individual action story.  Our preferences are our ways of making our own life ours.  Our unique play list on Itunes.  

Our preferences could be as simple as only wanting to have sex in the missionary position.  It may just be that you have to keep your socks on so you don't feel completely naked in bed.  Life is like Burger King or it should be.  You can have it your way.  With preferences comes the normal for you.  Without the right setting or action a preference may deny you of the ability to be pleased  if the exact setting is not right.  

If a guy has only masturbated or masturbates too much then the sensation of sex with another live person may not be what is needed for him to orgasm.  His preference may now have switched off his ability to experience an orgasm any other way.  So here is the draw back of all three.  as the saying goes, "Too much of a good thing can be bad for you".  Allow yourself to fantasize about many aspects of your life whether it be sexual or not.  If you want to be kinky then let it be a special treat to change up the routine.  If it is a preference , don't forget to expand your scope.  You will be surprised to the other tastes and flavors of ice cream there are if you just try a little.  

Now go out there and enjoy what your mind has prepared for you, you sick lil twisted monkey and BTW I prefer to go commando.  A kinky behavior (one of many) is to do housework in the nude while maintaining an erection.  A fantasy is to strip at an all female party.  Ok, that was cathartic.


Sunday, October 19, 2014

A Naked Halloween and it's issues

What to Wear, What to Wear

I know it may come to a great shock to you all but even as a nudist Halloween is a fantastic time of year. There is always that joke about what do nudists wear for Halloween. Just because we like to be nude as much as possible we still like to dress up, kind of.

Ever since I could remember as a kid I loved trying to figure out what I'd be for Halloween.  It's the age ole question this time of year.  What are you going to be for Halloween?  Have you got your costume? Oh the pressure of it all.  Decisions, decisions.  I was never good at making decisions. I'll spend an hour at a restaurant just deciding on a side item.  If you pick the wrong costume then you have the whole off season regretting that outfit.  I can't go through it all.

Also at this time of year you have to see how many Halloween parties that you may be invited to or decide to go to.  If you have a bunch of free time do you go to them all?  Do you wear the same outfit to each of the parties?  Well this year I have just one party that I will be going to.  It must be an off year.  Maybe it's the economy.  Maybe it's the rush to Christmas that we just haven't had time to settle into the fact that it is Fall and Halloween is upon us.

This year I'll be spending my Halloween party time with my naked friends.  Yep, I'm one of those naked people you'll ask, "what do you wear to a naked Halloween party?" Oh, it should be easy you say.  Everyone just runs around naked and eating candy.  It's not that easy.  The problems are even greater now that you think we'll all be in the same outfit.  If you go to a naked party then you have less items to make you stand out or be recognized from the next person.  When you are naked with a group we tend to all blend together.  That's one of the points we try to make to outsiders that want an idea of what goes on in these type of environments.

When around other naked people you quickly see that there is nothing shocking any more since we are all on the same level.  No one is really dressed up.  No one has the in style fashions or newest shoes.  When around clothed people you may say to yourself , "wow, look how tight her jeans are" or "Does that shirt really go with that outfit?"  Maybe you don't even acknowledge what people are wearing.  BINGO!  You don't always go around judging other for what they wear unless you are in Wal-Mart and you see another web site submission.  Well the same goes true for being at a nude party.  You don't go around judging what others don't have on or what body shape that person is showing off.  You are now just at a party with people you know and some that you may have just met.

Maybe it is just me but I still stress over being at a naked Halloween party.  Are you saying quietly to yourself that I don't practice what I preach?  It's not the nude thing that I will stress over, it's the fact that it's Halloween and I need to pick a costume.  I told you that it's been a stressor since a young kid.  Being nude just adds another dimension.  If I'm already going to have little or nothing on then how do I make a costume that is Halloweenie enough and also staying true to the nude self in me?  This takes years of building costumes for Mardi Gras parades, World Naked Bike Rides and other stage events that allowed for skin viewage.  There is always body paint that can be worn but what if you end up sitting on a couch or rubbing up against people by walking though a kitchen?  What if there is a pool or hot tub?  That won't work.

I believe I have a fun outfit this year.  It'll all be about how I pull it out and if I can keep it on all night without bending to the urge to just be naked and skip it.  In addition, when you go to a Halloween party you tend to come to the front door all dressed and ready for your grand enterance.  Um, I don't think I can knock on this person's door dressed the way I would for this party.  Now I can't strip then go get dressed because it would throw off the mystery.  Since at nude parties you don't always have private areas to undress, I'd need a little area off tot he side so no one gets a peek until the full outfit is ready.

Wow, ya I may need therapy for over analyzing this one but hey, "It's a party!" I need to have my game face on or at least face paint.  I hope no one Snickers but there will be Good and Plenty naked people.  You will definitely be able to tell who is a HERSHEY.  You'll know who is an Almond's Joy because they have nuts and you'll see those that don't.  There better not be any sword fighting between any Three Musketeers.  One thing I do enjoy is seeing all the beautiful and different size MOUNDS in the room.  It doesn't matter if you are a little bit CHUNKY.  It's all about body acceptance if at Halloween, Christmas or whatever holiday you wish to be naked at.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Most Naked Person in St. Louis ( *** Warning : Nudity *** )

Most Naked Person in St. Louis

For quite awhile I always joked by campaigning to be the most naked person in St. Louis.  With much effort and handshaking mixed with stripping I think I'm pulling close to my mark.  Today, St. Louis. Tomorrow, the Midwest.  Maybe next year I can make a run for the country!

Why do I even strive for this moniker?  Why do I put myself out there like that?  What do I aim to gain?  

I could just be content to watch TV in my own home naked or just sleep in the nude.  I could reserve my nudity for the bathtub and shower only.  I could, but I don't.  I've seen that social nudity and other nude events brings more people together in a common bond that a common cold.  It's something we can all do and participate in but many don't.  And that's ok.  I know it's not everyone's cup of tea.  It may be for the young at heart or for those that wish to cross that last taboo topic out there.  The line always goes, "We were born naked".  Well for those early moments in life we discovered this world without clothes on.  I'm not here today to convince or preach.  It's what I always said I would never do.  If you believe that my leading by example is preaching then that is all that I am guilty of.  I will then take the moniker of the Most Naked Person in the Country if to lead by example and spread the word that being nude with friends or even alone brings a refreshing view of the world.

Here is just some of the ways I lead by example:

St. Louis World Naked Bike Ride

I was timid at first when doing my inaugural ride with the St. Louis World Naked Bike Ride.  I didn't know what to expect nor how many would be peddling next to me in the buff. When the night ended I was disappointed that it did end.  This was a fantastic night.  It was addicting.  The more I have been naked the more addicting it has become. Like any good drug pusher I had to assist in any way I could to grow the numbers of riders.  Each year since the ride has multiplied.  It is a yearly event that isn't just done in one night, it consists of numerous man hours beginning as early as March (ish) for the planners.  Obviously, these things don't happen over night.  We had a change in command this year that brought the bike rode solely to the Grove with the help of the Handlebar.  As I am a social media whore my main part in the ride is to inform the masses through social media and to continue the excitement year round to keep the buzz going.  I don't want any riders to fall to the side and I also want new riders to hear our church bell ringing.  Get ready for next year because you know you don't want to miss it.

The Naked Radio Show on 1380X AM

Photo by Patrick Brehem

If any of you know Teya King then you know you should be ready for anything.  Her latest venture is hosting The Naked Radio Show on 1380 AM Extreme Radio.  This show takes places on Thursdays at 7 pm until 9 pm.  Any topic that is involved with being naked is fair game.  I have no idea at times where the show's direction will take the listeners much less myself.  Many people believe that a naked person can't be seen on radio.  Well take my word, I'd never sign on as co-host if I couldn't do it naked in the studio.  

Air time, for me, is a time when I can promote nudity on its good side.  It's also a time to get my pen name, Spencer Davis, (which I will discuss later) out to the public.  I'll say that not many people in radio or in everyday life has been in front of a microphone on the radio or on stage.  I like to say that I have done both.  If naked radio doesn't last forever, I can at least say that that bucket list has been checked off.  I'll make the best of it and use to enlighten the listeners to the joys of a nude world.  

If you have a nude topic or question that you wish us to address please let me know, if not then at least don't forget to listen in anywhere in the world.  Click this link for the ability to Live Stream on your computer.

Bare Business Network

This is a new addition to nude things that I have ventured into.  This is a fill in position while the main administrator is out.  It's a nude network that I am picking up the mail and letting the dog out at night.  I truly believe this network is needed and I'd be love nothing more to see it's mission completed.  Many jokingly say that they would love to work from home and hang out naked.  Oh trust me, I don't joke about it.  To build my Nude empire then I must reign true by being naked in the corner office.  

I'll post the Facebook's description of this site so as to not confuse the originators words,

We are an agency that finds work for our network of nudist/naturist workers. A new idea to redefine business casual. Support bare business. Hire a nudie!
To redefine business casual to include the nudist lifestyle.
Why should you need to get dressed to earn a living?
Need a plumber? Hire a nude plumber. I guarantee the work will be the same quality.
Graphic Designer? Why should the the design be the only thing unrestricted?
Landscaping? Dirt washes off. Why dirty clothes?

All mainstream industries welcome. We are not a sex or porn company. Join our network as a worker or an employer. Part Time/Full Time or One Time.
You get bare talent. Stripped down with nothing to hide. Good, hard working people and nothing more!

Spencer Davis

Before I even go into the writings of Spencer Davis I'll let you all in on a little secret.  How did I become known as Spencer Davis?  It all came about by my days at strip clubs in East St. Louis.  I saw that the strippers never used their real names so why should I?  They took on a whole other persona so why can't I?  Once I told the girl I was a parole officer they seemed to cool down their interactions.  If I'm going into a strip club I'll take on another name and occupation.  I became Spencer Davis and was a computer programmer.  I know very little about how a computer works but I thought it may pay better than a parole officer.

Yes, not all nudity relates to sex or sexual thoughts but some does.  I'll admit that.  When around other nude people you tend to get used to seeing boobs, butts and other areas.  Just because you get used to it doesn't mean that you never peek.  It may not be a leer or stare but it may be a quick glance.  It's there, curiosity gets the cat.  Don't get me wrong, even nudists have sex or sexual thoughts and feelings.  There is a time and place for everything.  I'd like to say they are in the pages of my erotica tales.  

I truly don't know how many erotica writers are nudists as well.  Many of them have perverted, sexual mindsets but aren't we all at one time or another?  I'd like to think I have a unique perspective on the subject.  To some I live in a fantasy world.  To some they could never even imagine being naked with attractive naked friends.  What I want to do is to capture that essence and bring them to life in black and white or on the Kindle to as many readers as I can.

And a final secret to being Spencer Davis is that when I write I'm obviously always naked.  That in itself can be dangerous and yet satisfying when I find a groove with a hot scene.  I tend to get way too involved with the story.  If I can get excited off of it I know it'll hit the mark with the readers.


Photo by Steve Yancey

Even before I fell in love with being nude I was deep into photography.  I loved setting up a great scene and bringing it to film.  I guess I was inspired as do many great artists by the human form.  It was so perfect in it's creation no matter the shape or size.  the lines, the shading, the softness to it all. The body can say so much with just a simple arm gesture.  The camera and angle placement can shed light into an area that makes a whole scene come to life.  It's like eating a fine piece of chocolate when the view through the lens presents itself.

As seen above in the photos I love posing a nude model.  When I can be nude when posing a nude model and capturing a scene then I'm in a deep bliss.  Honestly, words cannot explain that feeling.  The zone of nudity is at its zenith.

I'm always in search of my next model and location.  Just thinking about my next shoot has me salivating for a camera in my hands.


StlBared is almost celebrating it's first anniversary.  This group seemed to form up due to the numerous clothing optional events in the area but not having a true focus.  If you build it they will come.  It is a group consisting of members that have longed for a coordinated network of naked or clothing optional friends.  Once it was organized under the start up of Teya King it evolved into an almost weekly event schedule.  

My part in this band of merry naked people is once again in front of a microphone by being a co-host, emcee or improv comedy bit aficionado .  Another bucket list item was to do comedy or improv in front of an audience while completely naked.  Check that one off.  

To come to a StLBared event you may expect to see simple game nights down to dance parties or even burlesque dancers entertaining the crowd.  StLBared is definitely not a group where the members sit around and stare at each other.  You will be entertained by acts if not by your fellow nude friend.  Each event is tailor made to make sure you experience a nude time of your life.  There are rarely visitors that only come to one show or event.  It becomes an event you look forward to putting on your calender.

Clothing Optional Yoga

As I have written above, my nude experiences are done with me in the spotlight or leading by example but yoga is my time to zone out and just relax into my naked self.  I don't have to perform.  I don't have to light up the room.  I just get to listen to music and follow the lead from the yoga master Ami Amore.  The gatherings are smaller in number than the other events and that's how I like it.  It's a more personal time to meet and greet old friends and the occasional new comer. 

In a few weeks I'll do a whole piece on nothing but a high light of yoga, Black light body paint yoga. This hands down is one of my favorite ways and times to be naked with friends.  I won't give away my next writing.  You'll just have to wait to hear more.


Ok, ya got me.  I love to be seen naked too.  I love to be behind a lens or a sketch pencil but it's a major rush for this naked attention seeker to pose for another photographer or artist.  I began my modeling side as many do by posing in local art classes at the colleges.  This is not one of my more frequent activities.  It happens when needed but not looked for.  To pose nude these days is a throw back to my early days in this lifestyle.  It's a simple way for , I'll say, beginners to experiment with nudity outside of their own bathroom and bedroom.  

If I can help another creative individual get into their art form then I am happy to do so.  It doesn't take me long to get comfy to a studio or set.  

My ending note to this segment is that it all must have balance.  Without proper balance anyone of these activities can cause the whole house of cards to fall.  I think I wrote this blog to flush out all the areas of my life and to prioritize my schedule.  Dear God, I look back and thin I may be a little over exposed.  Either I am doing this for a true goal or I'm shedding my clothes for no reason at all.  I hope that you take out of this the need to look at what you enjoy and see that too much of a good thing is not always good.  It's a blast being naked but this is a long distance run, not a sprint to become the Most Naked Person in the Country.  Vote for me!

Thursday, September 11, 2014


My favorite scene was coming up. It was hard to believe a movie this great was thirty-years-old. I peered through the hole in the wall where the projector shot the film to the screen inside the theater. Goldsmith Theater loved offering the oldies on Saturday nights’ midnight showings. Sometimes the seats were packed, sometimes not so much. Tonight was in between.I tugged the licorice between my teeth when the door clicked closed. Pulling my gaze away from the movie, I turned to see what the manager wanted.

Only it wasn’t the manager.

Samantha leaned against the door and ran her tongue over her lips. That was enough to turn my dick to granite, but we’d played this game all summer and nothing had happened. Despite her appearance, I didn’t think anyway was about to change.Until her fingers found the doorknob and turned the lock.I want you inside me, sounded through the speakers with epic timing.Samantha moved toward me, unhooking a button with each step.  The white blouse hung open revealing her lace white bra and milky skin. I couldn’t move. This was unbelievable. The movie continued in the theater, but I’d lost all recognition of what was going on as Samantha freed her blonde hair from her pontytail. She straddled my lap, her navy skirt rising to her hips. I opened my mouth, but she shushed me with her finger over my lips. Her fingers hovered over my shoulders then traced their way to my wrists, pulling them behind the flimsy metal chair and tying them securely with her ponytail band.

She leaned away, a smile growing across her face. God, she was beautiful. Her hazel eyes twinkled in the dim light. I tried to free my hands because touching her would be equal to touching the Holy Grail. The elastic band stretched, but not enough. Samantha slid off my lap slowly, pressing into my bulging pants.The lights of the flickering movie highlighted her body as she shrugged the shirt off her shoulders. Her hand snaked up her sides and around her back. I thought she was going for the bra, but instead she slid her fingers toward her skirt and unzipped it. With a wiggle of her hips, it fell to the floor. Holy hell, she wasn’t wearing panties. Whether she came to work without them or slipped them off before coming up to the projection room, I didn’t know and I didn’t fucking care. The dramatic music from the screen enhanced the seductive dance, along with parts of my anatomy that were already well enhanced.

I shifted in my uncomfortable chair, wanting nothing more than to speed up the process. Samantha swayed toward me and put her hands on my shoulders. She squeezed slightly before letting go and dropping to her knees. Thank God she locked the door. If Mr. Goldsmith walked in, we’d be out of a job. And he’d probably end up in the hospital. Or run for his camera.Her gaze lingered on mine for a few moments. Long enough that the climax of the movie was getting closer. The jovial music now playing didn’t match my mood. My zipper came down and Samantha freed my erection. If only she’d free my hands. Her skin had to be as soft as silk. While I fantasized about touching her, she tightened her grip and licked me from balls to tip.

They go up, my favorite character from the film said.

Yes, I did go up. It was as if my cock was stretching for new heights just to prove to Samantha I could get as big as she needed.

She took me completely into her mouth, her tongue dancing a solo ballet around my solid mass. My hips thrust deeper into her throat until I almost lost control. Fuck, her mouth was warm and hot. I could only imagine how her body would feel around me.As if reading my mind, she pulled away and stood, putting one leg on the chair. Her smooth pussy was right at my eye level. I couldn’t turn away. With one hand, she rubbed her clit as the other hand worked its fingers into her body. I ached as she pushed herself closer to the edge. Fuck, I wanted to see her go over.

If someone asks if you’re a god, you say YES, one of the characters said just as Samantha moaned.She slipped her wet fingers out and pressed them into my mouth. I closed my eyes, savoring every lick of her as she guided me inside her. Using the chair to press me balls deep.

Grab your stickHoldin’.Oh, yeah, she had it. Her hips lifted until I was almost out, then she slammed down on me.Heat ‘em up. Smokin’.Holy fucking heaven, we were smoking. If the room got any hotter, we’d burn the film. Make ‘em hard. Ready.

I wasn’t going to be hard much longer. Oh, fuck. She rode me like a bronco. I matched her thrusts, the smacking of our bodies echoing in the tiny space. I couldn’t hold off much longer, as much as I wanted to wait for her. My vision blurred. My breath shorted out. If my heart raced any faster, I’d be the one at the ER. But it would totally be worth it.

Throw it.

Samantha’s moans shattered the rest of my control. I felt her orgasm massage my dick into an explosion of its own. She collapsed against my chest. I kissed her neck because that was all I could reach. She sat back and smiled, her hair clinging to her forehead, then slid off. Not once did she look at me as she dressed. Not even when she untied my hands. I opened my mouth a few times, but there wasn’t anything I could say that wouldn’t ruin the moment.

Samantha sauntered out the door, pulling her hair back into its ponytail.I glanced at the movie. The characters were covered with a white goo.Zipping my pants, I smiled.