Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Nude Vlog (7/14/15) National Nude Day

Nude Vlog (7/14/15)

National Nude Day

Of Course you know I'm a nude kid in a candy store on 7/14 every year.  I can't type enough to express how much I love being nude, Naked, NAKIE, BUCK NAKED!!!! It is in my blood.  It's part of me and happy to know it's in many friends of mine.  

As always please pass along and share the video how you will to help grow my nude following.  I aim to make nudity more relaxed and enjoyed by all.  I don't try to convert but show the benefits and bonuses of being nude more than just the shower and sex.  

Ok, now it;s time for you to click on the link below and enjoy another installment of the Nude VLOG from the naked lips of Spencer Davis (Jennings)

I want and crave feedback :)

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Naked Video Blog 7/715 (Naked and Funny)

Naked Video Blog 7/7/15

Be Naked and Funny

So many times when nudity is discussed it is either put in a sexual manner or a very serious tone.  The world is being so serious with itself.  We need to loosen up.  Nudists or just people who love to be naked in any fashion tend to go toward Nude rights or standing up for their lifestyle when discussing their passion. I say we start telling jokes and doing pratfalls in the nude.  Why can't we laugh about being nude or just be down right silly when nude?  I'll say streaking is the most often used form of nudity and humor.  I don't think a streaker has a political agenda when stripping down.  

I would like to discuss this topic in length in the written form but for now I direct your attention to the link below to view today's Naked Video Blog 7/7/15.  Please Share this blog and video and all such posts to build my following so that I may one day rule the naked world.


Why are you reading this far down? You just passed up the link.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Desexualization (new word) of the Nude body - Naked Video Blog

Naked Video Blog 6/30/15

I'm trying to kick start the blog back into action.  A video is always an easy way to do because it doesn't require the reader to read, just open their ears at minimum.

I am working on more writing materials that include a new erotica trilogy slated to hit your Kindles this Fall.  I love having story lines in my head but even more fun when I let them out to play.  

Butt for now, please click on the link below to gaze upon the sun soaked video blog.  I will be discussing how the nude body is still sexualized by most anyone other than the person that has the nude body.  Feel free to leave me comments on the Youtube or on this post or however you end up contacting me.  

The next Youtube Naked Video blog will discuss my adventures in planning nude adventures in a social setting.  I'll let you know how you too can hang out with me nude.