Pushing the Restart button
When your computer or phone freezes up you have to push the restart button or turn it off and turn it back on. When your lights go off in the house you have to hit the breaker to get yourself out of the darkness. When the day goes dark or your job or your relationship or just life in general starts to freeze up on you, it's time for a restart.
There are no do overs or time outs in life but you damn better know that you can have as many restarts in life as you wish. Restarts in life aren't hidden from you. They are there every minute of the day like little get out of jail free cards that you hid on yourself under the Monopoly board. They are there whenever you feel life is stale or broken.
Unfortunately many don't see that life has begun to be a never ending cycle or pattern and have doomed themselves to routine by their own blindness. When blind to your self imposed routine you don't even know you need a restart. When you lie to yourself and accept your routine that's when you need a restart. It would be nice if we all knew the exact time for a restart and therefore kept life moving at an exciting pace. The majority of us have to be kicked in the head to realize that our software is out of date ie. job, friendships, hobbies, choices, you name it.
At any given moment you can make a decision to restart, whether it just be a bad day or a bad period of your life. New Year's resolutions are full of restarts. Everyone wants to get in shape after January 1st. That's all fine and dandy but don't forget that you can get in shape any day of the year. Don't give up on that new goal or objective because you didn't get the results you wanted right off. I said that restarts are free and can be used at any given time. Restart your goal every morning.
A great way to restart is to go outside your comfy zone. Do things that you never would. Try things that scare you. Meet new people that you may have cast judgement on previously. Only by seeing what's down the road less traveled will you find the location of happiness or a new successful adventure.
If you find a great new adventure through a restart please let me know because I'd love to join you. Some of my great new friends were through restarts.
When you're pissy more than happy then that is a glowing clue that it's time to restart. Don't worry the world will still be here after your restart, it will just maybe have changed a different shade or shape but it's still a world worth living in.
Make the same choices, get the same results. Make daring choices, get a variety of results (in the nude)
There are no do overs or time outs in life but you damn better know that you can have as many restarts in life as you wish. Restarts in life aren't hidden from you. They are there every minute of the day like little get out of jail free cards that you hid on yourself under the Monopoly board. They are there whenever you feel life is stale or broken.
Unfortunately many don't see that life has begun to be a never ending cycle or pattern and have doomed themselves to routine by their own blindness. When blind to your self imposed routine you don't even know you need a restart. When you lie to yourself and accept your routine that's when you need a restart. It would be nice if we all knew the exact time for a restart and therefore kept life moving at an exciting pace. The majority of us have to be kicked in the head to realize that our software is out of date ie. job, friendships, hobbies, choices, you name it.
At any given moment you can make a decision to restart, whether it just be a bad day or a bad period of your life. New Year's resolutions are full of restarts. Everyone wants to get in shape after January 1st. That's all fine and dandy but don't forget that you can get in shape any day of the year. Don't give up on that new goal or objective because you didn't get the results you wanted right off. I said that restarts are free and can be used at any given time. Restart your goal every morning.
A great way to restart is to go outside your comfy zone. Do things that you never would. Try things that scare you. Meet new people that you may have cast judgement on previously. Only by seeing what's down the road less traveled will you find the location of happiness or a new successful adventure.
If you find a great new adventure through a restart please let me know because I'd love to join you. Some of my great new friends were through restarts.
When you're pissy more than happy then that is a glowing clue that it's time to restart. Don't worry the world will still be here after your restart, it will just maybe have changed a different shade or shape but it's still a world worth living in.
Make the same choices, get the same results. Make daring choices, get a variety of results (in the nude)
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