Friday, June 13, 2014

Two things to do in the nude...Yes, I've done both

        Stand- up comedy

To have a stage alone for all to judge you is a goal of a very select breed.  Speaking in public is known to be a worse fear than death.  One suggestion is to imagine the audience naked or in their underwear.  Well for the stand- up comedian the stage is a place of comfort and a time to shine in the audiences eyes.  There is no reason to imagine the audience naked if you are in fact more naked than the lady in the front row.  Your jokes could be the worst rotten eggs ever thrown on a stage but who will even be paying attention while you hide very little behind that microphone stand? Deliver your best one liners and blue comedy and feel the rush that comes from the applause.  If your audience doesn’t crack a smile then turn the other cheek and make them double over in laughter as they know hear how a naked Jack Nicholson would sound as he lathers up in the shower.   Take a bow as the lights go down but remember to face the audience or you may leave them with quit an ending act.


Strike that downward dog, cobra or bow position and feel the stress leave your body and relaxation come over you.  This exercise routine is a cross between meditation and stretching.  It’s also a perfect excuse for  shedding your clothes.  All the various poses that are within a full yoga program are increased by your ability to get into the position without interference of t-shirts, sports bras or even yoga pants.  You would think yoga pants were made for this activity but so was your naked body alone.   Yoga is a program that can be accomplished in most any setting whether it be in the gym, at home or even in the office.  Naked yoga may not always be accepted in your surroundings  but your exercise program shouldn’t be hindered by such thoughts of restrictions.  If you must remove yourself from objecting eyes then take your yoga class to a field with warm breezes blowing and strip to your healthiest level of nudity.  Feel  nature welcoming all parts of your body back to inner peace.   A full session of naked yoga will reward you with flexibility, better posture and more time you can say you were nude throughout the day. 

Twist your mind, body and soul (When in the nude)

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