Quite recently a female friend had some interest in the
erection or “Boner” as she called it.
Since she brought ‘Up” the topic in more ways than one I tasked her to
write out her questions and I would as directly answer any questions that she
had. No matter the age of a person there
are always questions about the opposite sex unless you may the famous Masters
and Johnson from Washington University.
Even they had very little knowledge of the erection until they began their

I have been wanting to bring light to the plight of the
erection for quite some time. I want to
de-villianize the erection. I want to
show that the boner as she called it is not to be feared and looked upon in
disgust by some that misunderstand it. There is a major push to desexualize the
female nipple as Scout Willis has recently campaigned in the anti-Instagram
photo shoot. Females have longed for
equal rights for being topless. A male
may take his short off in the park or walking the dog down the sidewalk nut if
a female shows her bare breasts it is not indecent. Thank God some states have seen the light and
have allowed the female nipple to be exposed.
At the moment burlesque dancers still maintain the pasty to cover that
damn villain of a nipple.
The female that put me on the path of this blog spoke of one
of her burlesque routine as a boner inducer.
She stated that she knew it was a hot routine and hoped it caused guys
to get hard. In the same way, strippers
or exotic dancers count on erections to cause a guy to open their wallets to
fund their night. It is said that many
men are guided by their little heads.
The boner is looked upon when needed for a method of motivation but not
always welcomed and needing to be covered or even a cause of embarrassment for
guys when they aren’t wanting one to be visable.

I have modeled in the nude on many occasion and many of
those times I’ve modeled alongside of nude females. On more than one modeling assignment a nude
female has come up to take a break from a pose and disclosed how wet she had
gotten while in the pose. The female is
able to experience that state of arousal easily because of the lack of outward
sign. Even if a nipple became erect it
would be tough to tell or even noticed.
While modeling I too have gotten excited but fought “hard” to stay flaccid. My key to such calmness is by singing “I’m
Henry the VIIIth I am” over and over. It
has always worked.
I am very appreciative of “Kim” for questioning me about my experiences
and thoughts on erections or boners. I
use “Kim” because she does not want to have her real name used for fear that
she wants more information and thinks about the male anatomy so much. Here is my best attempt to answer all of her
questions all the while maintaining a strong erection.
Kim: Do they hurt?
Maybe it’s because I like a little pain with them I’d say
no. Honestly, they do not hurt. Even when faced with the hardest erections it
may feel as though it will rip right through the skin the extreme pressure juts
build more excitement. When having an
intense erection you are wanting that full pressure so it is a welcomed
Kim: Can you control
getting a boner? Can most men? Is it normal to control them?
Once out of your early twenties most guys should be able to
control them to a great extent. When
younger even a strong gust of wind or smell of a hamburger could get a guy
hard. As I have mentioned before with a
little bit of mind control most erections can be held back. Alcohol is one item that prevents some lack
of control. When a guy is totally
relaxed as in laying on the couch or sound asleep the erection can pop up with
little thought or control. Most mornings
there is still that experience of morning wood where it’s so intense it wakes
you from your sleep. Luckily I still
have those times when even a strong gust of wind can bring the mast back to the
Kim: Can you pee with a boner?
When in the full erect fashion the tubes are switched so it’s
either set to pee or to cum. There is
that time when the penis may look erect but the switch is still on pee
mode. Most the time if having a boner
the only liquid will be cum.
Kim: How do they go
away? What can a guy do to make it go away?
At times it’s just a matter of time. Letting the blood flow away from the
penis. That is the clinical answer. You would think ejaculating would do it but
it at time just reinforces it. Thought control is a great way and many try to
think of a negative thought. If that
erection is meant to be it is tough to control it once it’s set on it’s path
but continual thought control will achieve it’s goal. Bottom line is don’t pay any attention and it’ll
let go of all the blood in your system.
As an added note to this question: To maybe prevent a boner during a time where
you may think one will appear and you are wanting it to be avoided I have used
the technique of let’s say “wearing it out” prior to the needed time when an
erection is needing to be avoided.
Kim: Can you really
get blue balls from getting a boner?
Physically the balls do not get blue. When a penis does not ejaculate during a full
boner the cum does go back inside. When
at full erection the liquid is being slowly pumped to the tip and when at that
right moment it will come out. If an
erection is lost for any reasons during that process the tip will still be
moist as the shrinkage does not allow some to reenter the body. For some it may look like pre cum.
Kim: What does it mean emotionally to get a boner?
For some as I‘ve said is an embarrassment due to their
background and possible early shaming or complexes of one thing or
another. For others it is a proud moment
to see their little boy rise to the occasion.
At times the erection means it is a moment before a sexual activity so
the rush of excitement is there. I would
like to state while in this question a main reason for this blog is to show
that being erect is not always a display of wanting to have sexual experiences. As for me personally, If I become erect it
just may be because I’m relaxed, enjoying the moment or aroused at the
moment. I enjoy the feeling whether it
be emotionally , psychologically or physically.
The ultimate payoff may be the orgasm resulting from the erection but
for me, the intense erection is the pay off of having this item attached to me.
Kim: Does a boner
mean a physical attraction? Just because a female is physically attractive does
that mean you will get a boner?
No is the short answer.
A guy can get a boner from just walking around the house or watering his
sunflowers. What are they attracted to
at that moment? The microwave or the
pollen in the air? I’ve been naked
around extremely hot naked females and have been soft. Much of it is due to being so used to seeing
nude females. Much of it is in the
mind. A boner still at times has to be
caused by direct contact. If when nude
and seeing a person nude or clothed hot female the mind has to be with it as
Kim: How old are
males when they get their first boner? Does anyone explain it to them?
I believe I may have been around 12 or 13. If there is nothing to cause the experience then
it has to come naturally and without direct contact. It may be that hot tv show that caused a
young male to experience it for the first time.
For most males there is no explination and therefore the first
discussion may be embarrassment or shaming by parents or my school or by
religion. In addition, since it is all
new to the male they may not want to discuss or reveal this issue to friends or
family thus causing repression. Only
later in life and through porn or self discovery the male may stumble with experimentation
to find out how the erection functions and why.
The males first exposure may cause a long lasting imprint of the males
overall thought and usage of an erection.
I could go on for days on this one.
For me, no one explained it.
I just kind of went with it and figured it out in showers and “playing
doctor” with the neighbor girl. Religion
and God was a major repressor in that an erection if not used under a bible’s
guide meant hell is waiting for ya.
Kim: Do you have to
have a boner to have sex?
Ultimately you need some sort of erection to have sex. It’s not that easy to insert a penis without having
some rigidity. Once inside you do not
have to have a full on intense erection to continue through the act. If you do “lose it” the ability to thrust is
now gone. Cock rings are good for
allowing the penis to stay erect for quite some time due to maintain the blood
level in the penis.
Kim: Does the size of the vagina matter to keep a penis
Not always and I mean that it’s not always the tightness of
a vagina that causes pleasure for a man and his erection. It is also a combination of the warmth and
Kim: What kind of
sensation does the boner have right before ejaculation?
There is an outward display of fullness in the head caused
by the extreme build up of pressure. The
pressure is so intense that it begins to electrify the skin all over the body
that make cause spasms. Once in the
spasm moment causes an involuntary release.
Kim: Can you get boners repeatedly? How long do they last?
It is all caused by the blood movement so if there is blood
and stimulation then there are boners. I
personally can reach orgasm and then continue with the erection. Once again, it’s very much a mind game. I also stated earlier that before some events
where I don’t want a boner I may “wear it out”.
If I empty out what is causing the boner the less the chances of being
erect again. If unable to void any cum
then a boner can come and go all day until relieved. It can be an annoyance if
continually being reacted to by any slight thought or movement throughout the day.
Since I know you are a nudist does it hurt to have a boner
in pants or underwear? Does having a boner feel better when nude? Do you feel
you have more boners because you are nude so much more?
It doesn’t hurt to have a boner when dressed but it just
holds it back from its full potential.
Of course it feels better when nude because it has more chances to reach
its full potential and for me it has more excitement of the skin. It’s extremely electrifying to be nude and
feel the breeze across an erection. Oh
Lord I almost went into my erotica voice and wrote a chapter lol. Finally, yes
I have more when nude because it is able
to relax and be free however if nude at an event then the activity dictates the
want to have an erection as if on stage or doing improv comedy.
Kim: Does having a
boner mean you want to have sex?
I am so glad you asked that question. For many who fear the boner or think of it as
nasty or an embarrassment do not truly
understand the erection. A boner is
mostly in the mind and/or a natural reaction to blood flow caused by some sort
of stimuli. Wanting to have sex is not
caused by a boner. I’ll use the thoughts
of gun control and shootings. Guns don’t
kill people; people kill people.
Boners/erections don’t fuck
people; people fuck people. Just because
a guy may be erect does not mean they are coming to throw you down and have it
you. That male should be judged by his
actions not his physical reactions.
If Scout Willis wants to walk around without a shirt on then
she should be able to. If a person shows
disgust at that sight then it is the hang ups of that individual. If a guy gets erect then that guy with have
goose bumps or a cough or a sneeze. That
guy is just having a natural body reaction.
There are many things that go into having a boner and many aspects of
it. I hope I have answered the questions
posed to the best of my ability. I know
there is much more to say about them. I
personally enjoy every second of mine. I
tried to maintain one throughout this blog but I’ll say again over the course
of time they too do not last.